Remember to click on the thumbnail to see full size photo
D3-H "Raye of Sunshine"
P-47D-30-RA 44-32759
D3-? "Brown Eyes" with many
combat mission marks
397th Fighter Squadron Photo Album Page 4
397th Squadron CO Major Carbine flying D3-V over the Alps.
This beautiful photograph has been used in several books, including the cover of our own.
D3-N "Little Friend" - "Yum-Yum"
P-47D-27-RE 42-26924
Pilot:  Lt. Patrick
Crew Chief:  Sgt. "Yummy" Billinger
D3-K "Hard to Get"
P-47D-30-RA 44-33576
Pilot:  Harris Krause
"Section 8"
Badly damaged 397th FS P-47
? Flight Line at R-42
Buchschwabach, Germany
Lt. Patrick & Sgt Billinger
"Pride of Murphy's Boys"
"Lets be Friends" - "Lil Egypt"
D3-X P-47D-16-RE 42-76115
Chilbolton, England
Crew Chief:  Sgt. Larsen
Business end of a 397th FS P-47
"Naughty Dotty"
Pilot:  Steve Halpin
P-47D-5 D3-Y
D3-? "Santa"
D3-? "Yum Yum"
This is a different plane than D3-
Cowling of D3-?
"Have Some"
"Little Bill" formally "O'Connell's "Little Okie"
D3-K P-47D-30-RA 44-33136
Pilot:  Lt. Price
Metz, France January 1945
Warner Sparks & Phil Case
397th FS nose art
reproductions by
Jo Ann Grace
Left side cowl D3-N
Right side cowl D3-N
D3-V "Lizzy"
P-47D-30-RE 44-20456
reproductions by
Jo Ann Grace
397th FS nose art
reproductions by
Jo Ann Grace
Lt Kenneth Wenk in flight over Germany
during the occupation
recovery of the Thunderbolt.

Lt Kenneth Wenk ditched the plane in the lake during a routine training mission on June 19th,
1945.  Lt Wenk was not injured and was rescued by some fishermen.