Remember to click on the thumbnail to see full size photo |
D3-H "Raye of Sunshine" P-47D-30-RA 44-32759 |
D3-? "Brown Eyes" with many combat mission marks |
397th Fighter Squadron Photo Album Page 4 |
397th Squadron CO Major Carbine flying D3-V over the Alps. This beautiful photograph has been used in several books, including the cover of our own. |
D3-N "Little Friend" - "Yum-Yum" P-47D-27-RE 42-26924 Pilot: Lt. Patrick Crew Chief: Sgt. "Yummy" Billinger |
D3-K "Hard to Get" P-47D-30-RA 44-33576 Pilot: Harris Krause |
D3-? "Section 8" |
Badly damaged 397th FS P-47 |
? Flight Line at R-42 Buchschwabach, Germany |
Lt. Patrick & Sgt Billinger |
D3-? "Pride of Murphy's Boys" |
"Lets be Friends" - "Lil Egypt" |
D3-X P-47D-16-RE 42-76115 Chilbolton, England Crew Chief: Sgt. Larsen |
Business end of a 397th FS P-47 |
"Naughty Dotty" Pilot: Steve Halpin |
P-47D-5 D3-Y |
D3-? "Santa" |
D3-? "Yum Yum" This is a different plane than D3-N |
Cowling of D3-? "Have Some" |
"Little Bill" formally "O'Connell's "Little Okie" |
D3-K P-47D-30-RA 44-33136 Pilot: Lt. Price |
Metz, France January 1945 |
Warner Sparks & Phil Case |
397th FS nose art reproductions by Jo Ann Grace |
Left side cowl D3-N |
Right side cowl D3-N |
D3-V "Lizzy" P-47D-30-RE 44-20456 |
reproductions by Jo Ann Grace |
397th FS nose art reproductions by Jo Ann Grace |
Lt Kenneth Wenk in flight over Germany during the occupation |
recovery of the Thunderbolt. Lt Kenneth Wenk ditched the plane in the lake during a routine training mission on June 19th, 1945. Lt Wenk was not injured and was rescued by some fishermen. |