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Capt. Robert S. Anderson
KIA 26July44
MACR #4973, Shot down while strafing
near Canisy, France.
P-47D-27-RE 42-26932
Cemetery: Unknown
397th Fighter Squadron Photo Album Page A - B
George Bauer, Edgar Baker, & Harry Barco ALG A-1, Normandy, June 1944
2nd Lt. John H. Banks III
KIA 17April45
MACR #14203
Shot down by flak while strafing near near Lom, Czechoslovakia.
Lt. Banks survived and was killed by local police.
P-47D-28-RE 44-20222
Cemetery: Ardennes C-6-15
1st Lt. George L. Bauer
KIA 28March45
MACR #13622, Struck hilltop while strafing
near Densberg, Germany.
P-47D-30-RA 44-33205
Cemetery: Unknown
Memorial to Lt. banks in Czechoslovakia
Shot down on
POW Stalag
Luft 3/VII-A
Norbert Billinger, Crew Chief
Ruben G. Bork Photo in cockpit of Major Hendricks' P-47 When Ruben shared this photo he stated "this was probably the last photo taken of me with my left arm"
Shot down by
flak on
About six weeks after Lt. Bork was shot down, his squadron CO received the following letter.
Dear Sir,
Sir, I don't know if you have been notified about me being recaptured or not. Perhaps you
would like to hear my end of the story. Well sir, I had dropped my bombs and had pulled up to
about 1500 feet, and all of a sudden this shell exploded in the cockpit. I glanced down and saw
my left arm was shot off. Then the plane burst into flame, and I reached up to open the
canopy I passed out. When I came to again I was swinging in my chute about 300 feet above
the ground. My face and right hand were burned pretty badly also.
When I landed, three German soldiers picked me up and took me to a hospital, and nine days
later I was in Paris. I was recaptured when our boys took Paris. Now I am back here in
England, waiting to go back to the U.S.
Sir, the main reason I am writing is about my clothes and personal things I left behind. I
would like to know if the Colonel would know anything about them, if it will be transferred to
me or not. I would appreciate it very much if I could receive word on what will be done about
it. Please excuse the informal letter and the very poor writing.
Ruben G. Bork
2nd Lt. Buel W. Bates
KIA 07June44
MACR #5716, Shot down by flak near
Littry, France.
P-47D-16-RE 42-76104
Cemetery: Normandy B-8-29
George Bauer & Edgar Baker ALG A-1, Normandy June 1944
1st Lt. Robert S. Brown
KIA 16Aug44
MACR #8513, Shot down by flak while
strafing near Argentan, France.
P-47D-15-RE 42-76188
Cemetery: Chapel of the Chimes, Oakland, CA
On the 16th August 1944 1st Lt. Brown was flying an offensive fighter sweep in
the Flers-Argentan area. Lt Brown spotted a gun position near a railway overpass
SE of Fontenai and attacked the position. Brown remained in the area while the
remainder of his flight also bombed the area. His wingman, 2nd Lt. Milton S.
Bender watched as Brown's Thunderbolt (42-76188) was shot down by flak.
He witnessed Brown bail out of his aircraft and land in a field, after which he
gathered up his parachute and ran to a nearby farmhouse.
Staff Sgt. Leslie
Killed 21Nov44
Killed in a vehicle
accident in Laon, France
Henri-Chapelle, France
(may have been reburied
in U.S.)
Howard Barnes, Crew Chief
Stanley "Berky" Berkowitz
P-47 Maintenance Section
Dan Mast, George Crimble
and Stan Berkowitz
Edwin Bryant, George
Crimble, Stan Berkowitz and
Dan Mast
Henry Baugh, 1943
(May have been reassigned to another group
prior to deployment)
On 11Nov44 Lt Burney was flying his P-47D-28-RA
(42-28814) D3-G "Texas Belle" when he was hit by
flak while staffing near Durn, Germany.
Lt Burney bailed out and became a POW for the
remainder of the war.